
in Tekla with Grasshopper

Benefits from joining:
15th April 2025
14:00 - 15:30 CEST (GMT +2)

Together with Joël van Herwaarden, Computational Design Specialist at Royal HaskoningDHV, we will show you how to connect Tekla with Grasshopper and automate the most tedious work in Tekla—creating rebar drawings. Joël will present a practical example of drawing production and demonstrate how he reduces manual work, making the process faster and more efficient.

Join the Q&A session and take home a ready-to-use Grasshopper script for rebar automation.

Sign up now to save your spot!

Special Gift!

Registered users will get the access to the special documents

P.S. If you have any comments or questions, just reach out at [email protected]

Join me 8th of November at 14:00 CET TIME

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“You’re not going to want to miss this webinar. Can’t wait to see you there!” – Kris

Have a good one!

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Have a good one!