Lern Grasshopper

Practical Applications

Join us for an exciting webinar where we jump into the world of C# and its incredible potential in automating design tasks, optimizing workflows, and boosting efficiency within the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.

Our speaker, Marcin Luczkowski, a highly experienced Senior Structural Engineer and Associate Professor at NTNU (Norwegian University of Technology), will present to us real-world examples that showcase the practical applications of C# for:

  1. Architects: Discover how C# empowers architects to conduct numerical simulations, enabling better design decision-making and assisting in selecting the perfect building shape.
  2. Structural Engineers: Creating steel frame systems and conducting comprehensive structural analysis, making your engineering more effective than ever.
  3. Geotechnical Engineers: Learn how C# facilitates seamless integration between structural analysis software and Geotechnical software, fostering collaboration and enhancing your geotechnical engineering processes.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn from an industry expert – uncover the limitless possibilities that C# holds for your AEC projects.

C# in AEC webinar invitation

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P.S. If you have any comments or questions, just reach out at [email protected]

Join me 8th of November at 14:00 CET TIME

Enter your name and e-mail where I will send you confirmation of registration.ย ย 
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“You’re not going to want to miss this webinar. Can’t wait to see you there!” – Kris

Have a good one!

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Have a good one!